Support Me
I am often asked what's the best way to support me, the author, so here's some information that might help you!
Buy my books - This might seem obvious, but buying my books helps show my publisher that investing in my work is worthwhile. I am happy for you to buy my books in whatever way feels best to you, but know that all of the Amazon, Bookshop, and LibroFM links on my website are affiliate links, which gives me an extra (fairly small) piece of the pie. Other than using these specific links, if you're buying it new, I get the same cut no matter where you buy it from. Generally speaking, ordering from a brick and mortar store, whether independent or Barnes & Noble, in your area is a great way to create demand for my books at those stores, plus spending your money locally is a great way to help the economy in your area!
Request at your library - Contrary to popular belief, authors do get paid for library sales, and those make up a big portion of our income! Request our books at your library in any format! You can suggest our books in ebook and audiobook to your library, too! This also helps other people in your community access our books and it helps them discover our books if they didn't know they existed!
Combat book bans - This is a big one, especially given the political landscape we're living in now. You've probably heard about book banning happening around the US--whther in your town or not--but a lot of book banning is happening on a much quieter scale. My books have been challenged and banned in multiple counties library systems and schools, but you won't have heard about it on the news. I know my books are being quietly weeded from shelves as well to avoid dealing with book challenges, and it's heartbreaking to know that library and school workers are feeling that pressure. And this applies to all book bans, not just the ones you think shouldn't be banned. All book bans are bad, full stop. So what can you do about it? Show up to your local school and library board meetings! Start doing this now, and if book challenges come up, you can be a presence that stands against it. Don't let the book banners win simply because they're willing to show up and you aren't. Get involved now!
Share and Recommend - Whether you have an online presence or not, you can share your recommendations with friends and your community. If you like one of my books, tell a friend! You can give our books as gifts, purchase them for little free libraries in your area, or coordinate with your local county library to donate copies. You can also join or start a book club with the help of your local independent bookstore or library. Make reading part of your social life, and you'll find ample opportunity to share about the books you love!
Donate to Book Organizations - If the easiest way for you to engage in activism is through your wallet, that's great! There are a lot of organizations that could use your help. It's a great idea to check if there is a local initiative to help children get books, but in lieu of something local, here are some national orgs you might consider donating to: